by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jul 23, 2021 | anti-racism, anti-vaxxers, Black Lives Matter, Climate Crisis, culture wars, Economic inequality, Equity, Ezra Klein, Featured Post, Global Warming, healthcare disparities, How To Anti-Racist, Ibram X.Kendi, Inequality in Healthcare, Life Expectancy, Racism in America, racist policy v. racism, Social Determinants of Health, Systemic Racism
July 23, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Can We Use The Desire To Be Anti-Racist To Improve Healthcare? Even if you are only a casual reader of these notes you know that I am a big fan of many of the columnists who write opinion pieces in The New...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jul 9, 2021 | 2022 midterm elections, Critical Race Theory, culture wars, Donald Trump's Reluctance to accept the outcome of the election, Ezra Klein, Featured Post, Heather McGhee, Inequality in Healthcare, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Non Zero, Racism in America, Republican reluctance to accept the results of the election., Social Determinants of Health, The "virtual" Democratic Convention, The 1619 Project
July 9, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, What We’re All Losing After this past year and a half, almost everyone in America can name something that they have lost. What is also true is that most of us can name something that we have learned. If you...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 4, 2021 | Adaptive Change, burnout and professional fulfillment, capitation, Continuous Improvement, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Dr. Robert Pearl, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Healthcare Transformation, physician culture, Physician/Management "Compacts", The Triple Aim, This Is Water by David Foster Wallace, Uncaring:How the Culture of Medicine Kills Doctors & Patients
June 4, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, , Our Culture Is Everybody’s Problem I am sure that you have heard the expression that “culture eats strategy for lunch.” I can’t recall when I first heard the expression, but there is...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 28, 2021 | ACA, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Economic inequality, Elizabeth Warren, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Health Care Policy in the Wake of COVID-19, Healthcare equity, Improving the health of the poor, Inequality in Healthcare, Social Determinants of Health, The American Families Act, The American Jobs Act, The Triple Aim, Universal Access, Value Based Reimbursement
May 28, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Hope Needs A Plan: Moving Upstream From Quality, Safety, and the Triple Aim About three paragraphs from the end of the main section of last Friday’s Healthcare Musings I wrote: Since we have not had the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 21, 2021 | 2020 Presidential Debates, ACA, Adaptive Change, Economic inequality, Elizabeth Warren, Emerging from the pandemic, Featured Post, Health Care Policy in the Wake of COVID-19, Inequality, Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners, Medicare For All, Persist by Elizabeth Warren, Poverty and healthcare, Progressive Values, Social Determinants of Health, The Public Option, The Triple Aim, The World After COVID-19, Universal Access
May 21, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Getting Reoriented I was surprised and delighted last Friday when Amazon delivered Elizabeth Warren’s new book, Persist, two days before its official publication date. I was eager to read what she had to say...