The  Persistent Healthcare Problems of Rural America

The Persistent Healthcare Problems of Rural America

In healthcare there is disappointing truth in the old saw, “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” It is paradoxically true that things are changing all the time. I observe that it is often true that in reference to a particular subject or problem...
Healthcare Musing For 1 March 2019

Healthcare Musing For 1 March 2019

1 March 2019   Dear Interested Readers   Learning A New Way Of Being In The World Together   This week has been chock-full of important events that fall along the path of our common journey in troubled times. I am not referring to the debate over the...
Healthcare Musings For 8 February 2019

Healthcare Musings For 8 February 2019

8 February 2019 Dear Interested Readers,   Imagine That!   Last Sunday the Associate Minister at my church delivered a wonderfully crafted sermon entitled “Imagine.” She was not asking us to daydream about what might happen that evening in Atlanta as the...
Reflections on Dr. Ebert’s “Moonshot”

Reflections on Dr. Ebert’s “Moonshot”

One thing that I am learning about first hand these days is ageism. I have experienced having young clerks walk right past me as if I was invisible to serve a younger customer who has just appeared. There is a wider gulf between generations than just familiarity with...