Healthcare Musings For July 17, 2020

Healthcare Musings For July 17, 2020

  July 17, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Finding Hope In Strange Times   Can things get more bizarre in our deeply troubled and widely divided nation? Facing a pandemic that remains poorly understood and totally unpredictable, but might have stolen...
The Future of Care As Seen Through the Lens of The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Future of Care As Seen Through the Lens of The COVID-19 Pandemic

  My wife and I were recently watching the PBS program “The Vote” when it occurred to me how long it takes to achieve social change. The story of Women’s Suffrage is an international saga that really spans a few thousand years. It was not until 2015 when Suadi...
Healthcare Musings For July 10, 2020

Healthcare Musings For July 10, 2020

  July 10, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   It’s Seems Impossible To Look Away and See Beyond the Moment   The last six months have been a blur. I can vaguely remember the impeachment hearings in January, and the faint hope that a couple of Republican...
We Can Revive the Better Instincts of Our Nature As We Face Our Current Challenges

We Can Revive the Better Instincts of Our Nature As We Face Our Current Challenges

  It feels like we have had a lifetime’s measure of challenging events in the last four months, but it seems much too early to know how things will be different when the “new normal” really arrives. The descriptors of this moment are volatility,...
Healthcare Musings For June 26, 2020

Healthcare Musings For June 26, 2020

  June 26, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Frustrated, Frightened, But Hoping    I have read hundreds of thousands of words about the COVID-19 epidemic. There are several great writers at The Atlantic who have provided excellent reports and analysis,...
If I Don’t Check the Weather It Won’t Rain On My Picnic!

If I Don’t Check the Weather It Won’t Rain On My Picnic!

  What would you think if you heard someone say, “If I don’t check the weather, it won’t rain on my picnic!”? I guess the answer depends on the context. It could be a tongue in cheek joke, or it could be an expression of a very disconnected concept about how...