We Are Leaderless in the Midst of a Systems Failure

We Are Leaderless in the Midst of a Systems Failure

  In each of the last two posts I have mentioned Paul Batladen’s famous observation about the output of “systems.” Last Tuesday I wrote:   The great physician and advocate for continuous improvement, Paul Batalden of Dartmouth, has reminded us frequently...
The Peril We Face Has Been A Long Time Coming

The Peril We Face Has Been A Long Time Coming

  I was delighted to see another overview article of our COVID-19 experience by Ed Jong in the September issue of The Atlantic. In my opinion Jong has written an impressive series of articles about the pandemic. You might have noticed that I have quoted from his...
Healthcare Musings For July 31, 2020

Healthcare Musings For July 31, 2020

July 31, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Who Is Not Dazed, Confused and Disappointed By COVID-19? It’s a “Wicked Problem.”   Once upon a time there were sporting events to attend. In that bygone era, the stands at Fenway Park were always alive with people....
Primary Care and Rural Health Systems Are Victims of COVID-19. What’s Next For Them?

Primary Care and Rural Health Systems Are Victims of COVID-19. What’s Next For Them?

  I was on a socially distanced walk with my seventeen year old granddaughter this week, and we were talking about how quickly and unexpectedly life has changed. She and her parents usually come every summer for a quick visit. They fly into Logan Airport on a...
Healthcare Musings For July 24, 2020

Healthcare Musings For July 24, 2020

  July 24, 2020 Dear Interested Readers, We Are Not As “Exceptional” As We Thought   As a child, I developed a love of American history. My family traveled more extensively east of the Mississippi than to the west, but the east was the home of colonial...
A Week Of Loss, A Time For Remembrance And Dedication

A Week Of Loss, A Time For Remembrance And Dedication

  In the week immediately following their deaths on the same day, it would be hard to write a post in the age of Black Lives Matter and our increasing awareness of the role of white privilege and economic inequality in the persistence of healthcare disparities...