Healthcare Musings For December 18, 2020

Healthcare Musings For December 18, 2020

  December 18, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   More Musing About What’s Next   Last night I had the unique opportunity to hear Susan Rice speak at a virtual presentation of the Boston Speakers Series. She has an impressive resume and a very interesting...
Fresh Wisdom For These Times From Don Berwick

Fresh Wisdom For These Times From Don Berwick

  I don’t really remember when I first met Don Berwick. He joined Harvard Community Health Plan in the late seventies as a pediatrician. I began my career there a few years earlier in 1975 right out of my training at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital before it...
Healthcare Musings for December 4, 2020

Healthcare Musings for December 4, 2020

  December 4, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Continuing to Look Forward From A Strange Moment In Time   It is very hard to think about the future when you are mired in the realities of a week as disorienting as this past one. Can you believe that the...
Joe Has A Hard Road Ahead. What Can We Do?

Joe Has A Hard Road Ahead. What Can We Do?

  Joe Biden has won the presidency no matter what Donald Trump says or does, but the road ahead will be difficult for him and for all who were hoping that all the damage done to dreams of healthcare as a right for all who live in America, affordable universal...
Healthcare Musings For November 27, 2020

Healthcare Musings For November 27, 2020

  November 27, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Where Do We Begin The Work?   During this last week I have been listening to Barack Obama read his book, A Promise Land, on my afternoon walks. It has been an incredible experience. I am delighted that the...