A Fierce Urgency: What Are We Going To Do About Racism In Healthcare?

A Fierce Urgency: What Are We Going To Do About Racism In Healthcare?

  In August 2019, long before we were challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic The New York Times Magazine published “The 1619 Project.” We live in a time where race and the impact of our history of slavery, the era of Jim Crow, and the continuing struggle for social...
Healthcare Musings For January 29, 2021

Healthcare Musings For January 29, 2021

  January 29, 2021 Dear Interested Readers   The First  Week of Building Back Better Reveals That We Have Much To Do   From what I read in the papers, the president has been very busy cleaning up after the last occupant of the White House.  Elizabeth...
Beyond “Doomscrolling,” The Return To Considering A Realistic Future For Healthcare

Beyond “Doomscrolling,” The Return To Considering A Realistic Future For Healthcare

  As noted in a recent post, the COVID-19 pandemic added some new words and phrases to our vocabulary in 2020. Some words were invented, but other words that we had rarely used or had used in a different context before the pandemic enjoyed a marked increase in...
Tomorrow Is A New Beginning

Tomorrow Is A New Beginning

  I will be watching television most of the day tomorrow. The first inauguration that I remember watching was for President John Kennedy. The first televised inauguration was for Harry Truman in 1949. My family did not have a television until 1952 so I may have...
Healthcare Musings For January 15, 2021

Healthcare Musings For January 15, 2021

  January 15, 2021 Dear Interested Readers,   Thinking About Abraham, Martin, and John   As dark and disturbing as the last week has been, we have seen darker and more disturbing days. As I was thinking about the fact that today would be Martin Luther...