Healthcare Musings For 23 August 2019

Healthcare Musings For 23 August 2019

23 August 2019 Dear Interested Readers,   Let’s Not Forget The Triple Aim As We Debate The Future of Healthcare   I am not really complaining, but I have been waiting for a very long time. Living in expectation on the cusp of a better future is not easy. Let...
Employer Provided Insurance v. Single Payer Healthcare: Not All the Differences Are Obvious

Employer Provided Insurance v. Single Payer Healthcare: Not All the Differences Are Obvious

I admit to having groupie tendencies and team loyalties. The liability of being committed to a favorite entertainer, author, philosophy, religion, type of music, or team is that each is bound to have its problems, inconsistencies, or failures and then those...
Healthcare Musings For 16 August 2019

Healthcare Musings For 16 August 2019

16 August 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Race and Healthcare   The New York Times Magazine has launched a program this month that it is calling “The 1619 Project.” This year is the 400th anniversary of slavery in America. The piece that you will find if you follow...
Healthcare Musings For 9 August 2019

Healthcare Musings For 9 August 2019

9 August 2019 Dear Interested Readers,   Focusing the Conversation in Order to Make Progress   Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is the brother of Rahm Emanuel, former congressman, Barack Obama’s first chief of staff, and later two term mayor of Chicago. Dr. Emanuel was a...
Are You Ready For Round Two?

Are You Ready For Round Two?

You can be sure that tonight and tomorrow night I will be interested in the outcome of the Red Sox/Tampa Bay games, but I won’t be watching. My eyes and ears will be tuned to round two of the Democratic Presidential Primary Debates in Detroit. Since the last debate,...