by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 27, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, ATLAS conference, David Brooks, David Leonhardt, Featured Post, Presidential Politics, The House considers impeachment, The Triple Aim, Whistleblower
27 September 2109 Dear Interested Readers, It’s Been An Interesting Week At four o’clock on Tuesday afternoon I was sitting at a table in the ballroom of the Boston Seaport Hotel at the 6th ATLAS (Annual Thought Leadership Symposium). This year’s...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 24, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, ACA, Employer Provided Health Insurance, Featured Post, Healthcare as a Right, Medicare For All, Medicare For All Who Want It, The Triple Aim
When I opened my Sunday paper this week, I was delighted to see two healthcare related articles on the front page. The first article written by Nora Doyle-Burr, a staff writer for the paper, was entitled “Health care a pressing issue in 2020 for many Upper Valley...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 20, 2019 | Cokie Roberts, Featured Post, Medicare For All, President Trump, Presidential Politics, Stephen Colbert, The 2020 elections, The Democratic presidential candidates
20 September 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Are Late Night Shows A Better Forum Than The Presidential Debates? I have come to a conclusion. I really do not need to listen to the dysfunctional televised debates that are being presented each month...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 13, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, ACA, Benefits of the ACA, Bernie Sanders, Population Health, Public Option, Robert Mueller's Testimony, Social Determinants of Health, The Triple Aim
13 September 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Looking For Answers While Hoping A Leader Might Emerge From A Raucous Conversation. I made the mistake of waiting until I had witnessed the third Democratic debate last night before writing this letter to you. I...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 30, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Future of Heathcare, Gun Violence as a Public Health Problem, Housing shortages as a social determinant of health, Life Expectancy, Nutrition as a primary cause of disease and death, The Green New Deal
30 August 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Our Heads Spin From So Many Things To Consider. Are We Talking About What Really Is Important? I am not sure what to expect in the next round of the Democratic debates. I am very happy that there will be only ten...