Discovering The Healthcare Wisdom of Communitarianism In An Old Book

Discovering The Healthcare Wisdom of Communitarianism In An Old Book

  More often than I like to admit, I am surprised and embarrassed by my lack of familiarity with something that is news to me that has been general knowledge for others for some time. It happened again this week. I had never heard of communitarianism or Amitai...
Healthcare Musings For 7 February 2020

Healthcare Musings For 7 February 2020

  7 February 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   What’s Next?   The Valley News, my local newspaper, serves me in two ways, if it is delivered. Delivery has been erratic over the last six months since the delivery man, “Sonnie,” got mad at someone in...
We Voted Before The Folks in Dixville Notch

We Voted Before The Folks in Dixville Notch

  No one knows how long it will last. I frequently hear speculation on New Hampshire Public Radio that this year may be the last year that New Hampshire will be able to pull off its “first in the nation presidential primary.” The most extreme example of...
Healthcare Musings For 24 January 2020

Healthcare Musings For 24 January 2020

  24 January 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   What Will The Long Term Outcome Be?   I have probably watched more of the Impeachment Hearings and Senate trial of Donald John Trump than most of my readers. Most of you work, and when you drag your weary bones home...
Healthcare Musings For 10 January 2020

Healthcare Musings For 10 January 2020

  10 January 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Do We Need To Better Understanding How Our Values Vary Before We Can Reform Healthcare?   I am always excited when I see an interesting article in the “Perspective Section” of the New England Journal of...