America’s Pre Existing Condition

America’s Pre Existing Condition

  There is a certain wisdom in Yogi Berra’s observation that, “It is deja vu all over again.” When I was practicing I would frequently have that thought as I was trying to manage a patient with a chronic disease. Whether the problem was CHF, poorly controlled...
looking At The Future Through The Lense of COVID

looking At The Future Through The Lense of COVID

  How long has it been since you felt comfortable standing less than six feet from someone who is not a member of your household? As you look forward to Memorial Day this coming weekend or past that to the Fourth of July, or Labor Day, is it possible for you to...
Healthcare Musings For May 1, 2020

Healthcare Musings For May 1, 2020

  May 1, 2020   Dear Interested Readers,   Too Soon For Me   Goodbye to April! We began the month with about 17 million unemployed Americans and finished the month with over 30 million, or 20% of the workforce. The sad fact is that just as we are...
Words of Wisdom From Tom and Dennis

Words of Wisdom From Tom and Dennis

  Over the past six weeks VUCA, the acronym for volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, has passed through my mind on countless occasions as I tried to think about how unexpectedly, rapidly, definitely, and devastatingly the world had changed. Almost as...
Taking The Next Step When You’re Walking In The Dark

Taking The Next Step When You’re Walking In The Dark

    We have been warned that the world we knew on March 12 will never return. One hears that when the pandemic ends that there will be a “new normal.” There have been many who have tried to imagine what our world will be like when we step out into the...