Healthcare Musings For June 26, 2020

Healthcare Musings For June 26, 2020

  June 26, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Frustrated, Frightened, But Hoping    I have read hundreds of thousands of words about the COVID-19 epidemic. There are several great writers at The Atlantic who have provided excellent reports and analysis,...
If I Don’t Check the Weather It Won’t Rain On My Picnic!

If I Don’t Check the Weather It Won’t Rain On My Picnic!

  What would you think if you heard someone say, “If I don’t check the weather, it won’t rain on my picnic!”? I guess the answer depends on the context. It could be a tongue in cheek joke, or it could be an expression of a very disconnected concept about how...
Healthcare Musings For June 19, 2020

Healthcare Musings For June 19, 2020

  June 19, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Is “Living On Tulsa Time” Appropriate For These Times?   Donald Ray Williams is gone now, but he is in the Country Music Hall of Fame. Williams sang many hit songs, but one in particular, “Tulsa Time,” written...
Pandemic Fatigue and Follies

Pandemic Fatigue and Follies

  In retrospect the admonition to “Beware the Ides of March,” is not an exact fit for the explosion of COVID-19 in America, but close enough. The 15th of March has a long history of being a bad day. In ancient Rome it was both a religious holiday and the day when...
Healthcare Musings For June 5, 2020

Healthcare Musings For June 5, 2020

  June 5, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   It’s Never Been This Late Before   Many times during my practice life I would try to have a conversation with a patient about some change in lifestyle or a choice that they might make to avoid some future...