Considering Income Support As A Tool To Improve The Social Determinants of Health

Considering Income Support As A Tool To Improve The Social Determinants of Health

  The two big news events over the weekend were the Senate’s passage of the 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus bill by a vote of 50-49 and Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Megan and Harry. There may be more similarity in the two events than immediately meets the eye....
Healthcare Musings For March 5, 2021

Healthcare Musings For March 5, 2021

  March 5, 2021 Dear Interested Readers,   More Thoughts About The Importance of Primary Care   Now that Donald Trump is off Twitter and mostly out of sight except for occasional appearances at places like CPAC, I find that I have more time to think...
We Need to Treat the Transformation of Primary Care Organization and Finance As An Urgent Need

We Need to Treat the Transformation of Primary Care Organization and Finance As An Urgent Need

  The latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine was waiting for me in my mailbox yesterday when I dropped by the post office. I was delighted to see that it was the March 4th edition and I was happy to get it on time. The mail comes very irregularly...
Healthcare Musings For February 26, 2021

Healthcare Musings For February 26, 2021

  February 26, 2021 Dear Interested Readers,   Can We Balance Regulatory and Competitive Approaches to Promoting a High Performing Health System?   This is the sixth and final installment of my review of the report of the Commonwealth Fund’s task force...
More Losses To COVID and the Heavy Administrative Burden We Bare

More Losses To COVID and the Heavy Administrative Burden We Bare

  That we have lost 500,000 souls to COVID-19 is hard to process. It really doesn’t help much to hear 500,000 dead Americans from the COVID pandemic is more lives lost than in our summed casualties of World War II, the Korean Conflict, and the War in Vietnam. I...
Healthcare Musings For February 19, 2021

Healthcare Musings For February 19, 2021

  February 19, 2021 Dear Interested Readers,   An Anniversary   It’s been exactly thirteen years since I wrote my first Friday letter to my colleagues, the staff of Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates. I had been the Interim CEO for a little over a week...
How Do We Strengthen The Nation’s Primary Health Care System?

How Do We Strengthen The Nation’s Primary Health Care System?

If you have avoided these notes for the past few weeks, you may not know that I have been systematically reviewing the recommendations of the Commonwealth Fund’s Task Force On Payment and Delivery System Reform. There are six sections to the report. So far we have...
Healthcare Musings For February 12, 2021

Healthcare Musings For February 12, 2021

  February 12, 2021 Dear Interested Readers,   Health System Accountability for Heath Care, Quality, Equity, and Cost   It’s been a remarkable week in Washington. One of the benefits of retirement is that every day is Saturday. I have spent most of...
Does Tom Brady Have Something To Teach Us?

Does Tom Brady Have Something To Teach Us?

  By 6:30 on Sunday evening, I was filled to overflowing with Super Bowl hype. How many times can you hear the “G.O.A.T.” versus the “best of these times” line before you are ready to throw something at the television? The only recurrent line that has drawn more...
Healthcare Musings For February 5, 2021

Healthcare Musings For February 5, 2021

  February 5, 2021 Dear Interested Readers,   It’s Time To Start Again    I am sure that I am not alone in my current strange mix of hope and residual fear. I am feeling much better now that Joe Biden is in the Oval office, but prior traumas are hard to...