Contemplation and Action on the Road to the Triple Aim

Contemplation and Action on the Road to the Triple Aim

A few years ago Patty Gabow, the retired CEO of Denver Health and a master of using Lean to benefit the underserved, and I were enjoying a dinner together while we were attending a meeting. Our conversation had gotten to the level of sharing and openness where we were...
Sharing “Deep Stories” to Use Empathy in the Quest for the Triple Aim

Sharing “Deep Stories” to Use Empathy in the Quest for the Triple Aim

A couple of weeks ago when I gave you Dr. Patty Gabow’s letter to Senator Alexander I reported that I was reading Arlie Russell Hochschild’s recent book, Strangers In Their Own Land:  Anger and Mourning on the American Right. In that book Russell seeks to be...
Puerile High Fives in the Rose Garden After the House Votes to Repeal and Replace the ACA

Puerile High Fives in the Rose Garden After the House Votes to Repeal and Replace the ACA

I have watched my favorite teams lose championship games. I remember the sinking feeling that I experienced when Richard Nixon was elected for the second time, even after it was really pretty clear that he was a crook. I suffered when Jimmy Carter, one of the most...
Perhaps an Explosion Would Be the Most Efficient Route to the Triple Aim

Perhaps an Explosion Would Be the Most Efficient Route to the Triple Aim

After the failure of Paul Ryan’s American Health Care Act to get passed over the internal squabbling of House Republicans despite their forty four vote majority, David Brooks wrote an interesting tongue in cheek column entitled “The Coming Incompetence Crisis.” He...