A Request That Got Me Thinking About How We Practice

A Request That Got Me Thinking About How We Practice

Recently my 97 year old father was readmitted to his local hospital in North Carolina with another episode of CHF and aspiration pneumonia. He was discharged to the rehab facility at his life care community on a Monday. My sister from Birmingham drove over and spent...
If Innovation Is the Answer, Do You Know What You Need To Know?

If Innovation Is the Answer, Do You Know What You Need To Know?

“Innovation” is frequently offered as the “way out of the woods” for American healthcare. And why not? As Americans we are reminded of the power of innovation to reshape our world many times a day as we tap on our cell phones to find our way through traffic to a place...
The Gifts That The President Gives Us and The Challenge That He Represents to the Triple Aim

The Gifts That The President Gives Us and The Challenge That He Represents to the Triple Aim

The foundational fairy tale that Michael Wolff tells us in his bestseller, Fire and Fury: Inside The Trump White House, is that the president and none of his campaign staff, except Steve Bannon, ever thought he would win and did not prepare for the possibility of...