looking At The Future Through The Lense of COVID

looking At The Future Through The Lense of COVID

  How long has it been since you felt comfortable standing less than six feet from someone who is not a member of your household? As you look forward to Memorial Day this coming weekend or past that to the Fourth of July, or Labor Day, is it possible for you to...
Building The New Normal With Lean

Building The New Normal With Lean

  As we move into an attempt to recover from the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have begun to think about how the delivery of healthcare will be changed by what we have experienced. Some have suggested that the pandemic has revealed serious flaws...
Hope, Peace, Joy, Love: What the Holidays Are All About

Hope, Peace, Joy, Love: What the Holidays Are All About

  This year Christmas falls in the middle of Hanukkah. I think the overlap creates an opportunity to celebrate the deeper meaning that is shared between these overlapping religious traditions. Both holidays are celebrated near the winter solstice, a time...
Healthcare Musings For 13 December 2019

Healthcare Musings For 13 December 2019

  13 December 2019 Dear Interested Readers,   How Good Are Things? It Depends On Who You Are And Where You Live.   It’s hard to put the drama in Washington out of mind. If you have had the time, you may, like me, have spent many hours watching the House...
What Does The Plight of the Homeless Say About the Rest of Us?

What Does The Plight of the Homeless Say About the Rest of Us?

I took the picture that heads up this post on a walk this week in Albuquerque. I was there to visit my son and his wife. They moved to Albuquerque in 2007. For my daughter-in-law it was a return to her hometown. Both of her parents had been teachers in the Albuquerque...