by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Feb 7, 2017 | ACA, ACO, Burnout, Costs, Featured Post, Healthcare Transformation, Medicaid Reform, Medicare Reform, Presidential Politics, Repeal and Replace, Resources, Strategy, The Triple Aim
There is no challenge like the challenge of creating a strategic plan in uncertain times. What do you do when you do not know what to do? That is a question that frequently challenges leaders. Over eight years ago, after Lehman Brothers had failed and the value of the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 31, 2017 | Featured Post
One of the most remarkable events of the first week of the Trump presidency was his interview with David Muir from ABC. Â Muir asked questions that allowed the President to reveal both his focus on the trivial and his lack of understanding of the subtleties of the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 24, 2017 | ACA, Featured Post, Healthcare Policy, Repeal and Replace, the healthcare debate
A few weeks ago those of us who had experienced a few moments of unfounded hope based on positive comments that President Trump had made about the ACA had our hopes dashed when he announced that Representative Dr. Tom Price of the 6th Congressional District of Georgia...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 17, 2017 | ACA, Costs, Featured Post, Presidential Politics, Quadruple Aim, Repeal and Replace, Strategy, the healthcare debate
Readers of these postings are familiar with my use of the term VUCA, an acronym that is derived from the realization that we live in a world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. I have asserted before that our state of uncertainty about the future of...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 10, 2017 | ACO, Costs, Delivery, Featured Post, Healthcare Policy, Medicaid Reform, Quadruple Aim, Repeal and Replace, The Triple Aim
I am proud to be a member of Whittier Street Health Centers Foundation Board and was delighted when our very able CEO, Frederica Williams, recently asked me to talk to the organization about ACOs at their Grand Rounds. Whittier Street is an exceptional example of a...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 3, 2017 | Costs, Delivery, Featured Post, Healthcare Policy, Lean, Presidential Politics, Quadruple Aim, Repeal and Replace
Are you wondering what you and your practice or hospital should be doing while living in the ambiguity of “repeal and replace?” Focus on getting better. That is the short answer. With or without the ACA the challenge to create  Care better than we’ve seen, health...