Mr. President, Please Read Chapter 6, “The Affordable Care Act in Hindsight”

Mr. President, Please Read Chapter 6, “The Affordable Care Act in Hindsight”

In August 2015 I gave a talk on the history of the evolution of health insurance that was part of a seminar entitled “Practicing in the Era of Healthcare Reform.”  I concluded my talk with a slide labeled “Persistent Problems.” I recently reviewed the presentation and...
Puerile High Fives in the Rose Garden After the House Votes to Repeal and Replace the ACA

Puerile High Fives in the Rose Garden After the House Votes to Repeal and Replace the ACA

I have watched my favorite teams lose championship games. I remember the sinking feeling that I experienced when Richard Nixon was elected for the second time, even after it was really pretty clear that he was a crook. I suffered when Jimmy Carter, one of the most...