Discovering The Healthcare Wisdom of Communitarianism In An Old Book

Discovering The Healthcare Wisdom of Communitarianism In An Old Book

  More often than I like to admit, I am surprised and embarrassed by my lack of familiarity with something that is news to me that has been general knowledge for others for some time. It happened again this week. I had never heard of communitarianism or Amitai...
Healthcare Musings For February 14, 2020

Healthcare Musings For February 14, 2020

  February 14, 2020  Dear Interested Readers,   Charity, Empathy, and Equity, How Are They Related?   Before launching into the main thoughts of this letter, let me clarify some of my sharp comments about Florida. One of my family members, a Floridian,...
Memories And Ruminations From Florida On Primary Day In New Hampshire

Memories And Ruminations From Florida On Primary Day In New Hampshire

  My wife and I have been traveling since last Thursday. We are in Florida, but my eye has been on the weather and the presidential primary in New Hampshire. We left in a snowstorm that I am told evolved into a traffic paralyzing ice storm, followed by more snow,...
Healthcare Musings For 7 February 2020

Healthcare Musings For 7 February 2020

  7 February 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   What’s Next?   The Valley News, my local newspaper, serves me in two ways, if it is delivered. Delivery has been erratic over the last six months since the delivery man, “Sonnie,” got mad at someone in...
Make America Neighborly Again

Make America Neighborly Again

  For more than four years I have had a visceral reaction to red hats with bold letters spelling out Make America Great Again. Occasionally, the hat’s message may be reduced to the acronym MAGA, or some combination of MAGA and Trump. Theoretically, there is...
Healthcare Musings For 31 January 2020

Healthcare Musings For 31 January 2020

  31 January 2020 Dear Interested Readers:   Between The Way Things Were And What They Might Become   As I write this edition of “Healthcare Musings,” the Senate trial of President Trump stumbles toward its conclusion. It is difficult for me to accept...