Healthcare Musings For May 1, 2020

Healthcare Musings For May 1, 2020

  May 1, 2020   Dear Interested Readers,   Too Soon For Me   Goodbye to April! We began the month with about 17 million unemployed Americans and finished the month with over 30 million, or 20% of the workforce. The sad fact is that just as we are...
Words of Wisdom From Tom and Dennis

Words of Wisdom From Tom and Dennis

  Over the past six weeks VUCA, the acronym for volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, has passed through my mind on countless occasions as I tried to think about how unexpectedly, rapidly, definitely, and devastatingly the world had changed. Almost as...
Healthcare Musings For April 24, 2020

Healthcare Musings For April 24, 2020

  April 24, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   A Fear Of Slip Slidin’ Away    The changing character of the native population, brought about through unremarked pressures on porous borders; the creation of an increasingly unwieldy and rigid bureaucracy,...
Now And When

Now And When

  Perhaps the most satisfying part of writing is hearing from you. This week I was delighted to hear from two people for whom I have great respect and some past history. One letter was a discussion of what faces us now; how and when to move toward more normal...
Healthcare Musings For April 17, 2020

Healthcare Musings For April 17, 2020

  April 17, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   It’s Getting Old Already, Let’s Find Ways To Persist   I’m giving up the idea of offering analysis about President Trump’s management of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is some debate about whether Abraham...
Looking Beyond the Expectation of “…the hardest, saddest week…”

Looking Beyond the Expectation of “…the hardest, saddest week…”

  Sunday is a busy day for me now as we practice social distancing. I attend church online and then watch CBS Sunday Morning followed by the NBC, CBS, and ABC Sunday morning political reviews. I can not force myself to watch Fox News Sunday where Surgeon General...