On the Road Again: Observations From The Rural Midwest

On the Road Again: Observations From The Rural Midwest

  I am writing to you today from Nebraska. It’s the sixth day of our trip across America as we make our way to see our grandsons who live near Santa Cruz, California. They were out of their home for about two weeks as the raging fires came within a mile or two of...
Healthcare Musings For September 25, 2020

Healthcare Musings For September 25, 2020

  September 25, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Milestones, Grief, Continuing Misery, and Rage   I wish that Justice Ginsburg’s death had not coincided with the passing of the milestone of 200,000 deaths in this country from COVID-19 because it has been...
An Early “October Surprise”

An Early “October Surprise”

  The talking heads on the Sunday morning news programs went back and forth between appropriately reviewing and honoring the life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and speculating about the politics of naming her successor. One comment caught my ear...
COVID Fatigue Is A Creeping Problem,  But There Is Even More That Worries Me.

COVID Fatigue Is A Creeping Problem, But There Is Even More That Worries Me.

  Summer is fading fast into early fall where I live. I have already had a few roaring fires in my fireplace as overnight temps slip into the high thirties. Our fireplace has an elevated hearth where I enjoy sitting as I soak up warmth from a primeval source that...
Healthcare Musings For September 11, 2020

Healthcare Musings For September 11, 2020

  September 11, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   It’s Nineteen Years, And It Seems Like Yesterday   You need to be in your mid eighties to remember anything about the Holocaust or World War II. If, like me, you are 75, you might remember the Korean War....
Healthcare Musings For September 4, 2020

Healthcare Musings For September 4, 2020

September 4, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Our Biggest Threat Is Our Incompetence   This is a week when we get a treat. Atul Gawande has published another insightful article built on a position that he has expressed before. On several occasions Gawande has...