by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 12, 2017 | Benefits of the ACA, Competition, Costs, History of Healthcare Reform, Population Health Management, Presidential Politics, The Triple Aim
What will be left when the storm is over? It’s the sort of question you might have asked yourself if you were living in Puerto Rico on September 20 when Maria hit. I ask it of myself on a regular basis when I think of Donald Trump’s attack on healthcare, the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 17, 2017 | Featured Post, Leadership, Lean, Process Improvement, The Triple Aim
“Being Lean” is rare among the many healthcare institutions that have tried “doing Lean.” There are many steps along the way from the initial introduction of Lean into an enterprise to the day when Lean becomes its operating system and the foundation of its new...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 5, 2017 | ACA, Consolidation in healthcare, Costs, Featured Post, Healthcare Quality, Healthcare Transformation, Lean, Mergers and Acquisitions, The Triple Aim
Consolidations, affiliations, acquisitions and mergers in healthcare are announced every week. The picture associated with this posting reveals that an affiliation occurred a few years ago between the critical access hospital in my little town and the Dartmouth...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 29, 2017 | Burnout, Competition, Costs, Featured Post, Healthcare Transformation, Innovation, Leadership, Lean, The Triple Aim
“Consolidation, competition, and innovation are the answer to what?”, you might ask. Keeping it simple, I mean the high cost of care and the Triple Aim. To keep it short I could just say, all three will help, but even maximized to the nth degree they will never in and...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Feb 2, 2016 | Burnout, Featured Post, Leadership, Lean, Process Improvement, Reform, The Triple Aim
It is paradoxical that despite all of the opportunities for professional satisfaction in healthcare, Â one of the issues of greatest concern that challenges the Triple Aim is the emotional health and happiness of healthcare professionals. Healthcare is populated by...