by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Feb 2, 2024 | 2024 elections, A personal history, ACA, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Dr. Steven Schroeder, Featured Post, Global Warming, Groundhog Day/film, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, healthcare disparities, Healthcare equity, Lean, Politics and Healthcare, Proposal for a new Federal Healthcare Board, Simpler, Social Determinants of Health, The Commonwealth Fund, The Triple Aim, Tom Daschle, Wicked Problems, Workforce Shortages in Healthcare
February 2, 2024 Dear Interested Readers, Is Healthcare Trapped In Its Own Groundhog Day Cycle? My local newspaper has become a fertile field of thought and ideas for me. Last Monday, The Valley News, my local paper, had a front-page article that...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 12, 2020 | A Brief History of the Last One Hundred Years Of Healthcare, Covid-19, Don Berwick, Featured Post, Health in America, Healthcare Quality, Healthcare Transformation, Hopes in the Future for a Bipartisan Healthcare Process, Inequality in Healthcare, Lean, Pandemic Management, Social Determinants of Health, The World After COVID-19
As we move into an attempt to recover from the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have begun to think about how the delivery of healthcare will be changed by what we have experienced. Some have suggested that the pandemic has revealed serious flaws...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jul 5, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Benefits of the ACA, Burnout, Healthcare Transformation, Lean, MACRA, Medicare For All, the difficulties of change, the healthcare debate, The Triple Aim
5 July 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Unpacking the Conversation about Medicare for All with Lean Thinking There has been a plethora of articles this week offering analysis of the Democratic Presidential Primary debates. Â The Washington Post gave us their...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 31, 2019 | Burnout, David Brooks, Featured Post, hyper individualism, Joy in Practice, Marcus Borg, Population Health, The Second Mountain: The Quest For a Moral Life, The Triple Aim
31 May 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Relationalism and the Joy of Practice I imagine that other retirees do what I do and spend a lot of time thinking about what happened during the years of their careers.  The goal is to be able to say, “It wasn’t...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 28, 2019 | burnout and professional fulfillment, Colleagues, David Brooks, Healthcare Transformation, hyper individualism, relationalism, Robert Greenleaf, servant leadership, The Second Mountain: The Quest For a Moral Life
One big benefit of being a part of “community” is to be the recipient of the concern of others when something does not go as expected. I know that many faithful readers were scratching their heads wondering what might have happened when by 3:30 last Friday they had...