Healthcare Musings For 22 March 2019

Healthcare Musings For 22 March 2019

  22 March 2019   Dear Interested Readers,   Musing With Friends About Healthcare   This week’s letter lives up to the title of “Healthcare Musings.” The dictionary says that musings are periods of reflection or thought. I would add that when I am...
Healthcare Musings For December 15, 2023

Healthcare Musings For December 15, 2023

December 15, 2023  Dear Interested Readers,   Utopian Ideas Versus The Status Quo In Healthcare   Less than twenty miles north up Interstate 89 from my home is the Enfield Shaker Museum. I have visited the enclave by Lake Mascoma with its magnificent main...
Healthcare Musings For April 7, 2023

Healthcare Musings For April 7, 2023

April 7, 2023 Dear Interested Readers,   Can You Believe That Both Trump and the ACA are in Court?   This week’s news had some variation from what I expected. First, many of the talking heads of television journalists and the pundits that I read in the New...
Healthcare Musings For March 17, 2023

Healthcare Musings For March 17, 2023

March 17, 2023 Dear Interested Readers,   Desmond Implies that Progressives and Conservatives Share Some Responsibility for Poverty: What Needs to Change to Improve the Social Determinants of Health?     Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Before you drink...