by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 15, 2024 | A personal history, Alternative Quality Contract, Atrius Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Chapter 224, Charles Kenney, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Featured Post, Harvard Community Health Plan, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, LEAD, Mike Dukakis, Moral Injury, Opioid Epidemic, Pioneer ACO, Six Domains of Quality, The Best Practice: How The New Quality Movement Is Transforming Medicine, The Triple Aim, Value Based Reimbursement, Waste in healthcare
March 15, 2024 Dear Interested Readers, Income From Quality In the early years of this century after the near failure of Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, there were very active conversations in Massachusetts about the cost, quality, and access to healthcare...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 1, 2024 | A personal history, ACOs, Atrius Health, Beth Israel Deconess Medcal Center, Brigham and Women's, CMMI, Co-opetition, Competition, Continuous Improvement, Dartmouth Health, Dr. Anita Ung, Dr. Joe Kimura, Dr. Kate Koplan, Dr. Rick Lopez, Dr. Robert Ebert, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Harvard Community Health Plan, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Innovation in Healthcare, Medical-Moral Sensibilities, Pioneer ACO, Quality, The Care Experience, The Triple Aim, Value Based Reimbursement, Waste in healthcare
March 1, 2024 Dear Interested Readers, Quality Defined Us I have gained a new perspective on how to structure what remains of the story of the development of my medical-moral sensibilities. The story up till now has been mostly delivered in chronological...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 6, 2023 | 2022 midterm elections, COVID, Economic inequality, Featured Post, Global Warming, Gun Violence, Health in America, healthcare disparities, Inequality, Inequality in Healthcare, Life Expectancy, patient centered care, Politics and Healthcare, Poverty and healthcare, Putin's Invasion of Ukraine, Selection of the Speaker of the House, Social Determinants of Health, The Triple Aim, Waste in healthcare
January 6, 2023 Dear Interested Readers, Thoughts About the New Year Last week I advertised that I was going to review 2022 and then look forward to 2023. It is easy to talk about “what has been” and much more difficult to anticipate “what will be.” At...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 19, 2022 | American exceptionalism, Biases, burnout and professional fulfillment, diseases of despair, Dr. Robert Coles and the "Call of Service", Dr. Vivek Murthy, Featured Post, healthcare disparities, Healthcare equity, healthcare finance, healthcare for the rural and urban poor, Healthcare Outcomes, Lean, Politics and Healthcare, RVUs, Waste in healthcare, workforce issues
August 19, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, Burnout and Workforce Challenges These days, it’s hard to escape the feeling that we must have made some huge mistakes for which we are now paying the price. Most of us grew up with the myth of American...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 15, 2021 | ACA, Atrius Health, Carilion Clinic, Costs, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Don Berwick, Dr. Ed Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Featured Post, Health in America, Healthcare Transformation, out of pocket healthcare costs, physician culture, Politics and Healthcare, Progressive Values, The Triple Aim, Waste in healthcare
October 15, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Thinking About Our Failures And The Challenges Ahead My wife enjoys Facebook and Instagram despite the recent controversies generated by the whistleblower revelation of the darker side of Facebook management. She...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Apr 16, 2021 | Adaptive Change, Build Back Better, Continuous Improvement, Dr. Marshall Wolf, Dr. Robert Ebert, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Harvard Community Health Plan, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Harvard Vanguard Medical, Health in America, Healthcare Transformation, Inequality in Healthcare, The Triple Aim, transformational change, Universal Access, Waste in healthcare
April 16, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, How We Get Paid Makes A Difference In What We Do Over the years I have probably used one quote from Dr. Robert Ebert in these notes more than any other idea, quote, or concept from any other source. Even if...