by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jul 5, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Benefits of the ACA, Burnout, Healthcare Transformation, Lean, MACRA, Medicare For All, the difficulties of change, the healthcare debate, The Triple Aim
5 July 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Unpacking the Conversation about Medicare for All with Lean Thinking There has been a plethora of articles this week offering analysis of the Democratic Presidential Primary debates. Â The Washington Post gave us their...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 3, 2019 | ACA, Featured Post, Healthcare as a Right, healthcare finance, Medicare For All, the healthcare debate, The Triple Aim, Universal Access, Value Based Reimbursement
3 May 2019 Dear Interested Readers, If Medicare For All Is A “Bridge Too Far,” What Is a Plausible Path To Universal Coverage? Earlier this week a friend and I were driving down to Boston to watch the Red Sox. We were not overflowing with...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 9, 2018 | 2018 Midterm Elections, ACA, Featured Post, Health in America, Presidential Politics, the healthcare debate, The Supreme Court and Healthcare
9 November 2018 Dear Interested Readers Where From Here? I finished the Strategy Healthcare post for November 6, Election Day, with the following statement: I am hopeful, not optimistic, that this election will initiate a set of events that...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 10, 2018 | ACA, Consumerism in Healthcare, Politics, the healthcare debate
10 August 2018 Dear Interested Reader, Why Is Healthcare Such A Nightmare For Patients (Consumers)? I am sure that as the 2018 election process moves forward from the statewide primaries to final events in the fall the continuing controversies over healthcare will...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 22, 2018 | Health in America, Healthcare Transformation, History of Healthcare Reform, Innovation in Healthcare, Social Determinants of Health, the healthcare debate, The Triple Aim
When my own wellspring of inspiration and self proclaimed insight seems to be temporarily running dry, I compensate by passing on to readers what I am learning from others. There has been a lot to learn from others and to pass on recently. I was particularly intrigued...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Apr 17, 2018 | Bipartisan Healthcare Process, Economic inequality, Featured Post, Healthcare as a Right, Inequality, Inequality in Healthcare, Mindset, Moral Minds, Social Determinants of Health, the healthcare debate
Someday the presidency of Donald Trump will be a subject for historians. Whatever historians say, I am sure that they will begin the story long before we thought of Trump’s bid for the presidency as anything more than a joke.  The story will not begin with a review of...