by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 6, 2020 | ACA, Bipartisan Healthcare Process, diseases of despair, Donald Trump's future, Donald Trump's Reluctance to accept the outcome of the election, Featured Post, Healthcare in Rural America, Improving the health of the poor, Joe Biden, John McCain, Retrograde Mercury, Social Determinants of Health, the plight of "red state" rural Americans, the president's lies, The Triple Aim
November 6, 2020Â Dear Interested Readers, Observations During A Nail Biter That Will Determine The Future Of The Country And Healthcare I have been watching CNN or listening to NPR for most of the time since the polls closed on Tuesday evening....
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 27, 2020 | ACA, Attack on The ACA Through the Courts, Benefits of the ACA, Donald Trump's management of COVID-19, Featured Post, Hopes in the Future for a Bipartisan Healthcare Process, Inequality in Healthcare, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Retrograde Mercury, Social Determinants of Health, The impact of a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, The threat to women's reproductive rights
In one week the retrograde Mercury will be over, Election Day will be behind us, and we will enter the next phase of uncertainty in the process of electing the president. The retrograde has been tough on me these last few weeks. There have been several...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 13, 2020 | Confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Donald Trump's management of COVID-19, Economic Implications of COVID-19, Presidential Politics, Public Option, Retrograde Mercury
I lifted the phrase, “…the world continues to vex good people everywhere,” from the notes associated with the song my son put on the Internet yesterday. Those eight words spoke to me, and described my feeling that we are being swept toward an uncertain,...