by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 9, 2022 | A story from my life, ACO, Continuous Improvement, Dr. Robert Ebert, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Healthcare equity, healthcare finance, Inequality in Healthcare, Lean, Medicare For All, Pioneer ACO, Queen Elizabeth, REACH ACO, System Consolidation, The Triple Aim, Universal Access, Value Based Reimbursement
September 9, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, Musing About ACO Disappointments This week I have been thinking, or more accurately “musing,” about the current status of ACOs. “Musing” seems to me to be a word that has more depth and feeling than “thinking”,...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jul 15, 2022 | ACO, Biases, Climate Crisis, COVID uncertainty, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Culture, Dualism, Economic inequality, Featured Post, healthcare disparities, Healthcare equity, Implicit Bias, Inequality in Healthcare, Pioneer ACO, Putin's Invasion of Ukraine, REACH ACO, Richard Rohr, structural racism in medicine, The impact of a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, The threat to women's reproductive rights, The Triple Aim, Tom Friedman
July 15, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, Thoughts on Dualism, The “War of Attrition” in Ukraine, Inequality In Value-Based Reimbursement, and Inherent Biases in Medicine. From time to time when I am thinking about all the human misery in the world that is...