by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 4, 2021 | Adaptive Change, burnout and professional fulfillment, capitation, Continuous Improvement, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Dr. Robert Pearl, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Healthcare Transformation, physician culture, Physician/Management "Compacts", The Triple Aim, This Is Water by David Foster Wallace, Uncaring:How the Culture of Medicine Kills Doctors & Patients
June 4, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, , Our Culture Is Everybody’s Problem I am sure that you have heard the expression that “culture eats strategy for lunch.” I can’t recall when I first heard the expression, but there is...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 11, 2018 | "Wicked Problems" in Healthcare, burnout and professional fulfillment, Physician/Management "Compacts"
For several years after I moved into administration I was a regular attendee of the twice yearly meetings of the Group Practice Improvement Network. Â GPIN’s description of itself is straight forward: GPIN is a nonprofit organization created in 1993 by the...