by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 22, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence (AI), burnout and professional fulfillment, Economic inequality, Featured Post, Healthcare Policy, Innovation, Moral Injury, Payment Models, Population Health, Quadruple Aim, Social Determinants of Health, The Triple Aim, Watson
22 March 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Musing With Friends About Healthcare This week’s letter lives up to the title of “Healthcare Musings.” The dictionary says that musings are periods of reflection or thought. I would add that when I am...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 7, 2018 | Burnout, compensation, Featured Post, Moral Injury, patient centered care, Payment Models, The Triple Aim
What floats your boat and moves it? Perhaps that is a crude way of asking about both where your values arise and what motivates you. For some reason whenever issues of either values or motivation become the subject, I think of my experience as a Boy Scout. I sometimes...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 13, 2018 | Costs, Delivery, Health in America, healthcare finance, Healthcare Transformation, Payment Models, The Triple Aim
In 1993 when the Republicans joined force with many in the healthcare industry to defeat the plans for universal coverage put forth by the Clintons, I said somewhat facetiously to some colleagues and friends that we would not get universal coverage and healthcare...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 2, 2018 | Access, Benefits of the ACA, Bipartisan Healthcare Process, Costs, Health in America, Inequality in Healthcare, Payment Models, Single payer, The Triple Aim
Looking back over 2017 I am moved to say, “You can’t make this stuff up!”  That expression is a meme/cliche that entered our culture sometime since the advent of Facebook.  It has been used more and more during the evolving chaos of the first year of the Trump...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Apr 25, 2017 | ACA, AHCA, Featured Post, Healthcare Policy, Payment Models, Repeal and Replace, the healthcare debate, The Triple Aim
After the failure of Paul Ryan’s American Health Care Act to get passed over the internal squabbling of House Republicans despite their forty four vote majority, David Brooks wrote an interesting tongue in cheek column entitled “The Coming Incompetence Crisis.” He...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 20, 2016 | ACA, ACO, Featured Post, Healthcare Transformation, National Health Service, Payment Models, Presidential Politics, Reform, Strategy, The Triple Aim
Back in April when we were not absolutely sure who the nominees for president would be. Michael Cohen wrote “Obamacare: an unheralded success” in the Boston Globe. He  commented then that healthcare was not getting much discussion by Republicans beyond a flat out...