by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 14, 2024 | A personal history, AI in healthcare, Atrius Health, Computers In Healthcare, Consolidation in healthcare, Dartmouth Health, Epic, Featured Post, Global Warming, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Judy Faulkner, Lean, Mergers and Acquisitions, Optum Health, patient centered care, Practice Improvement, The Triple Aim, UnitedHealtcare
June 14, 2024 Dear Interested Readers, Reflections On This Moment In Healthcare When I began to write these Friday letters sixteen years ago in mid-February 2008, it was much easier than my task now. All I needed to do then to discover plenty to write...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 7, 2020 | Featured Post, Homelessness and Health, Housing shortages as a social determinant of health, Jeffrey Brenner, Medicaid Managed Care, Optum Health, Population Health Management, Social Determinants of Health, The Triple Aim, UnitedHealtcare
One of my favorite experiences is getting an email from an old friend and colleague. Better yet is getting an email from an old colleague who is still an “interested reader.” The “trifecta” of experiences associated with an email from an old friend and...