by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Feb 4, 2022 | a personal testimony, COVID uncertainty, Dr. George Vaillant, Dr. Paul Batalden, E. Stanley Jones, Equity, Featured Post, Health in America, Inequality in Healthcare, Mark Twain's wisdom, Martin Luther King Jr, Medical Quality, Rainer Maria Rilke, The Triple Aim, VUCA, Workforce Shortages in Healthcare
February 4, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, Maintaining Perspective While Living with Uncertainty Most Monday mornings at 9 AM I click on a Zoom link and join a conversation with five of my friends. We are all “mostly retired.” One participant is a...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 17, 2019 | Continuous Improvement, Economic inequality, Featured Post, Improving the health of the poor, Kearsage Regional Ecumenical Ministries, Mark Twain's wisdom, Opioid Epidemic, Poverty and healthcare, The potential fallibility of statistics, The Triple Aim
Samuel Langhorne Clemons, a.k.a. MarkTwain, is famous for his ability to express a profound truth in a few pithy words. I frequently am reminded of his wisdom when I try to write. He is famous for saying “I apologize for such a long letter – I didn’t have...