Reflections on Dr. Ebert’s “Moonshot”

Reflections on Dr. Ebert’s “Moonshot”

One thing that I am learning about first hand these days is ageism. I have experienced having young clerks walk right past me as if I was invisible to serve a younger customer who has just appeared. There is a wider gulf between generations than just familiarity with...
I Believe In Atul!

I Believe In Atul!

My wife called while I was out walking to let me know that she had just heard that Atul Gawande had been named as CEO for the new healthcare organization that is proposed as a joint venture between Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JP Morgan Chase. I was surprised at...
We Must Be Inept Because We Do Spend Enough To Do a Better Job

We Must Be Inept Because We Do Spend Enough To Do a Better Job

When my own wellspring of inspiration and self proclaimed insight seems to be temporarily running dry, I compensate by passing on to readers what I am learning from others. There has been a lot to learn from others and to pass on recently. I was particularly intrigued...
If Innovation Is the Answer, Do You Know What You Need To Know?

If Innovation Is the Answer, Do You Know What You Need To Know?

“Innovation” is frequently offered as the “way out of the woods” for American healthcare. And why not? As Americans we are reminded of the power of innovation to reshape our world many times a day as we tap on our cell phones to find our way through traffic to a place...