by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 10, 2021 | 9/11, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Featured Post, Health Care Policy in the Wake of COVID-19, Honoring Caregivers in the Fight Against COVID-19, Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners, Martin Luther King Jr, Skepticism about the COVID-19 Vaccine, The Good Samaritan, The Triple Aim, We have neglected the importance of public health.
September 10, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, 9/11 and 2001 Remembered and Reflections I was deeply moved by a casual statement made by a news commentator about how young the thirteen soldiers were who were killed by the ISIS terrorist bomber who blew...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 30, 2020 | "Humankind:A Hopeful History", Featured Post, Honoring Caregivers in the Fight Against COVID-19, Inequality in Healthcare, Martin Luther King Jr, Personal responses to the challenges of COVID-19, public Demonstrations Against Racism and Police Brutality, Rutgar Bregman, the difficulties of change, The World After COVID-19, Winston Churchill
It feels like we have had a lifetime’s measure of challenging events in the last four months, but it seems much too early to know how things will be different when the “new normal” really arrives. The descriptors of this moment are volatility,...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 29, 2020 | anti-racism, coronavirus, Donald Trump's management of COVID-19, Economic inequality, Featured Post, food Insecurity, Honoring Caregivers in the Fight Against COVID-19, Inequality in Healthcare, Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners, Racial Inequality, Racism in America, Social Determinants of Health
May 29, 2020 Dear Interested Readers, 100,000 And Counting With A Very Stable Genius Leading The Way This has been a very difficult week for all of us. 100,000 is a very large number of people. The Rose Bowl seats 92,542. I spent a long time...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 26, 2020 | Avoiding the Second Wave, Donald Trump's management of COVID-19, Featured Post, Honoring Caregivers in the Fight Against COVID-19, Memorial Day 2020, Personal responses to the challenges of COVID-19
I had been looking forward to a little respite over the Memorial Day weekend from the daily COVID news. Are you tired of reading about COVID-19? I am weary of writing about it, but it is like a bad dream from which I can not awaken. I am obsessed with the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 8, 2020 | Avoiding the Second Wave, coronavirus, Covid-19, Donald Trump's management of COVID-19, Economic Implications of COVID-19, Featured Post, healthcare finance, Honoring Caregivers in the Fight Against COVID-19, JIm Collins, Pandemic Management, Social Determinants of Health, Social Distancing, The World After COVID-19
May 8, 2020 Dear Interested Readers, It’s a Time for Humility, Caution and Focus on Long Term Improvements. It is Not a Time for Arrogance, Abandon, and the Pursuit of Short Term Gains. It’s hard to know what everyone is thinking, and as a...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 1, 2020 | Avoiding the Second Wave, coronavirus, Covid-19, Donald Trump's management of COVID-19, Dr. Frank Gabrin, Dr. Li Wenliang, Dr. Lorna Breen, Economic Implications of COVID-19, Featured Post, Honoring Caregivers in the Fight Against COVID-19, Pandemic Management, The 2020 elections
May 1, 2020 Dear Interested Readers, Too Soon For Me Goodbye to April! We began the month with about 17 million unemployed Americans and finished the month with over 30 million, or 20% of the workforce. The sad fact is that just as we are...