by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 29, 2023 | 2024 elections, ACA, democracy versus illiberalism, Drugs/ Fentanyl, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Global Warming, Gun Violence as a Public Health Problem, Homelessness and Health, immigration/ illegal immigrants, infrastructure inadequacies, Martin Luther King Jr, Reproductive Rights, the economy and inflation, wars and rumors of wars, Workforce Shortages in Healthcare
December 29, 2023 Dear Interested Readers, It’s Been A Tough Year I am not sorry that we have only two more days in 2023. I always see a little hope in new beginnings. 2024 has the potential to be an outstanding year, but there is an almost equal...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 23, 2022 | a personal testimony, A story from my life, Economic inequality, Equity, Featured Post, Healthcare Outcomes, Homelessness and Health, Housing shortages as a social determinant of health, Inequality in Healthcare, Joe Biden's housing initiative, Kearsage Regional Ecumenical Ministries, Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners, Politics and Healthcare, Poverty and healthcare, President Volodymyr Zelensky’, Social Determinants of Health, thin places, workforce issues
December 23, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, Thinking of the Homeless at Christmas In 1943 Bing Crosby recorded “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” and it was a number-one hit on the charts. To listeners in 1943, the song was sung from the perspective of a...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 7, 2020 | Featured Post, Homelessness and Health, Housing shortages as a social determinant of health, Jeffrey Brenner, Medicaid Managed Care, Optum Health, Population Health Management, Social Determinants of Health, The Triple Aim, UnitedHealtcare
One of my favorite experiences is getting an email from an old friend and colleague. Better yet is getting an email from an old colleague who is still an “interested reader.” The “trifecta” of experiences associated with an email from an old friend and...