Trying To Survive The Moment While Waiting For The Slow Evolution of Positive Change

Trying To Survive The Moment While Waiting For The Slow Evolution of Positive Change

  December 11, 2020 Dear Interested Readers, Trying To Survive The Moment While Waiting For The Slow Evolution of Positive Change   It has been a gruesome week in Lake Wobegon and across the land. It turns out that even in Lake Wobegon strange and...
Healthcare Musings for December 4, 2020

Healthcare Musings for December 4, 2020

  December 4, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Continuing to Look Forward From A Strange Moment In Time   It is very hard to think about the future when you are mired in the realities of a week as disorienting as this past one. Can you believe that the...
Healthcare Musings For October 30, 2020

Healthcare Musings For October 30, 2020

  October 30, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   It’s About Worthiness For Office, And Much More   I am so happy that election day is almost here. I have been averaging over fifty political ads a day in my email. Political ads fill all of the air time on...
Can You Believe What’s Happening One Week Before The Election?

Can You Believe What’s Happening One Week Before The Election?

  In one week the retrograde Mercury will be over, Election Day will be behind us, and we will enter the next phase of uncertainty in the process of electing the president. The retrograde has been tough on me these last few weeks. There have been several...
Is Dr. Fauci Really A Disaster?

Is Dr. Fauci Really A Disaster?

  Just out of curiosity, I decided to ask Google, “How many rallies has President Trump had.” I was not really surprised to discover an entry in Wikipedia entitled “List of post-election Donald Trump rallies.” The list includes all of his rallies since Election...
Healthcare Musings For October 16, 2020

Healthcare Musings For October 16, 2020

  October 16, 2020 Dear Interested Readers,   Holding My Breath With My Fingers Crossed   There are less than three weeks until the election! It feels like this ordeal has been going on for four years, and I guess it has. The campaign for victory in...