by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 11, 2019 | a personal testimony, and Underuse of Care, Burnout, Delivery, Healthcare in 2019, Medical Quality, Practice Improvement, Professional Satisfaction, The Triple Aim
In 1991 William Hurt starred in an interesting movie called “The Doctor.” The plot was simple. A highly skilled and well respected, but egotistical and self centered surgeon gets cancer. You follow him through his discovery of compassion as he contends with his own...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 27, 2018 | Costs, Delivery, Featured Post, healthcare finance, The Triple Aim
JAMA recently published an interesting study that has not gotten as much attention or debate as it deserves. It is my hope that its impact will grow and that the insight that it offers will make a difference. The article “Health care spending in the United States and...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 13, 2018 | Costs, Delivery, Health in America, healthcare finance, Healthcare Transformation, Payment Models, The Triple Aim
In 1993 when the Republicans joined force with many in the healthcare industry to defeat the plans for universal coverage put forth by the Clintons, I said somewhat facetiously to some colleagues and friends that we would not get universal coverage and healthcare...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Feb 6, 2018 | Costs, Delivery, Health in America, healthcare finance, Healthcare Quality, Healthcare Transformation, Lean, patient centered care, Sustainability, The Triple Aim
In last week’s post, I tried to reconstruct the thinking of the Atrius Health management team in early 2008.  At that time we were writing a new strategic plan to respond to the uncertain future of healthcare. Over the previous decade publications like To Err is Human...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 3, 2017 | Delivery, Lean, patient centered care, Process Improvement, shadowing, The Triple Aim, Time-Determined Activity-Based Costing
The Patient Centered Value System: Transforming Healthcare through Co-Design by Anthony M. DiGioia, MD and Eve Shapiro was recently published. The forward was written by Don Berwick. I had the honor of authoring the preface. It was fun to have a really good...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 23, 2017 | ACA, AHCA, Costs, Delivery, Featured Post, Presidential Politics, Repeal and Replace
In August 2015 I gave a talk on the history of the evolution of health insurance that was part of a seminar entitled “Practicing in the Era of Healthcare Reform.”  I concluded my talk with a slide labeled “Persistent Problems.” I recently reviewed the presentation and...