A Perspective From the Other Side of the Sheet

A Perspective From the Other Side of the Sheet

In 1991 William Hurt starred in an interesting movie called “The Doctor.” The plot was simple. A highly skilled and well respected, but egotistical and self centered surgeon gets cancer. You follow him through his discovery of compassion as he contends with his own...
It’s Getting Harder Faster Than You Realize

It’s Getting Harder Faster Than You Realize

In last week’s post, I tried to reconstruct the thinking of the Atrius Health management team in early 2008.  At that time we were writing a new strategic plan to respond to the uncertain future of healthcare. Over the previous decade publications like To Err is Human...
Mr. President, Please Read Chapter 6, “The Affordable Care Act in Hindsight”

Mr. President, Please Read Chapter 6, “The Affordable Care Act in Hindsight”

In August 2015 I gave a talk on the history of the evolution of health insurance that was part of a seminar entitled “Practicing in the Era of Healthcare Reform.”  I concluded my talk with a slide labeled “Persistent Problems.” I recently reviewed the presentation and...