by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 31, 2021 | 2022 midterm elections, Build Back Better, COVID, COVID uncertainty, Featured Post, Future of Heathcare, Inequality in Healthcare, Life Expectancy, Omicron variant, Pandemic Management, Personal responses to the challenges of COVID-19, Progressive Values, Senator Joe Manchin, Social Determinants of Health, the difficulties of change, The importance of testing in pandemic management, Vaccine hesitancy, Workforce Shortages in Healthcare
December 31, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Reflections On 2021, A Very Unusual And Unpleasant Year, And Hopes For A Better 2022. If you are reading this letter, you have survived a tough year. Well, maybe, there are a few hours before that is certain. On...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 24, 2021 | Build Back Better, Children in poverty, Climate Crisis, COVID uncertainty, Equity, Featured Post, Global Warming, Inequality, Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Omicron variant, Paul Krugman, Poverty and healthcare, Ronald Reagan
December 24, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Warning: The first section of this letter is at times sarcastic. Its content ranges from overt hostility to whimsical fantasy that attempts to answer the question, “What’s the problem with Joe Manchin?” It fails...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 10, 2021 | COVID in New Hampshire, COVID uncertainty, Featured Post, Governor Chris Sununu, healthcare disparitiies, Home testing for COVID, Misinformation, Nursing Shortages, Omicron variant, Paul Romer, Personal responses to the challenges of COVID-19, Population Health, Public Health, Social Determinants of Health, The importance of testing in pandemic management, Vaccine hesitancy
December 10, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, COVID Confusion, Worries, and Concerns The last few weeks have felt like a COVID storm here in New Hampshire as we vaulted over Michigan into first place in the nation with the most COVID cases per 100,000...