by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 31, 2020 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Activism in Healthcare, Burnout, Costs, Dr. David Shulkin, Dr. Samuel Shem, Empathy, Featured Post, Future of Heathcare, Harvard Community Health Plan, Population Health, The Triple Aim, Zeev Neuwirth
31 January 2020 Dear Interested Readers: Between The Way Things Were And What They Might Become As I write this edition of “Healthcare Musings,” the Senate trial of President Trump stumbles toward its conclusion. It is difficult for me to accept...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jan 10, 2020 | ACA, Attack on The ACA Through the Courts, Conservative Values, Costs, Elizabeth Warren's Medicare for All Plan, Featured Post, Healthcare as a Right, Jonathan Haidt, Liberal Values, Medicare For All, Medicare For All Who Want It, political polarization, Universal Access
10 January 2020 Dear Interested Readers, Do We Need To Better Understanding How Our Values Vary Before We Can Reform Healthcare? I am always excited when I see an interesting article in the “Perspective Section” of the New England Journal of...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Dec 27, 2019 | ACA, Benefits of the ACA, Big Five Tech Companies Invade Healthcare, Costs, Employer Provided Health Insurance, Featured Post, Healthcare as a Right, Medicare For All, Strategy Formation, The 2020 elections, The Public Option, Universal Access
27 December 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Looking Back At 2019 As We Think About 2020 I am a maker of New Year’s resolutions. It’s that time of year again. Looking back on 2019 I did a pretty good job. I had some partial successes, and some of my...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 18, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Costs, Lean, Medicare For All, President Trump, Public Option, Waste in healthcare
18 October 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Morality, Trump, Democratic Debates, and More Thoughts on the Cost of Care I had some sort of awakening in the late eighties and started reading more nonfiction. History, theology, and business related...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 15, 2019 | Administrative Waste, Atrius Health, Costs, Don Berwick, Lean, The Triple Aim, Waste in healthcare
This posting is brought to you thanks to a note I received on Sunday from a loyal “Interested Reader.” Hi Gene, I thought of you upon reading this clearly-written article in the NYTimes this morning: I hope all is well and that you are enjoying...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Oct 4, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Atrius Health, Continuous Improvement, Costs, Culture, Featured Post, Future of Heathcare, healthcare finance, Medicare For All, Medicare For All Who Want It, the difficulties of change, The Quality Chasm, The Triple Aim
4 October 2019 Dear Interested Readers, A Closer Look At Strategy and Culture I really appreciate getting comments from my readers. Most of the comments do not come through the comment function of the letter. Most “interested readers” who have something to say...