by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 23, 2022 | 2022 midterm elections, American exceptionalism, anti semitism, burnout and professional fulfillment, Dr. Kimberly Becher, Featured Post, Governor Ron DeSantis, Healthcare in Rural America, Poverty and healthcare, Racism in America, rural healthcare, Social Determinants of Health, The Holocaust, Venezuelan immigrants in Martha's Vineyard
September 23, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, What We Say, What We Do, and a Doctor Whose Actions Speak For Her My wife and I have been watching the latest Ken Burns PBS production, ”The U.S. and The Holocaust”. For over forty years, Burns has educated us...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 19, 2022 | American exceptionalism, Biases, burnout and professional fulfillment, diseases of despair, Dr. Robert Coles and the "Call of Service", Dr. Vivek Murthy, Featured Post, healthcare disparities, Healthcare equity, healthcare finance, healthcare for the rural and urban poor, Healthcare Outcomes, Lean, Politics and Healthcare, RVUs, Waste in healthcare, workforce issues
August 19, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, Burnout and Workforce Challenges These days, it’s hard to escape the feeling that we must have made some huge mistakes for which we are now paying the price. Most of us grew up with the myth of American...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 20, 2021 | a personal testimony, antiracism, burnout and professional fulfillment, Computers In Healthcare, connectedness, Continuous Improvement, COVID, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Culture, Ezra Klein, Featured Post, Healthcare equity, Lean, RVUs, Skepticism about the COVID-19 Vaccine
August 20, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Introspection, Reflection, and Anticipation. You Think and Feel Better Outdoors It’s been a difficult week for a lot of people. Fires continue to burn over large areas of the West even as we have become...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 4, 2021 | Adaptive Change, burnout and professional fulfillment, capitation, Continuous Improvement, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Dr. Robert Pearl, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Healthcare Transformation, physician culture, Physician/Management "Compacts", The Triple Aim, This Is Water by David Foster Wallace, Uncaring:How the Culture of Medicine Kills Doctors & Patients
June 4, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, , Our Culture Is Everybody’s Problem I am sure that you have heard the expression that “culture eats strategy for lunch.” I can’t recall when I first heard the expression, but there is...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 27, 2020 | A Promised Land By Barack Obama, Bipartisan Healthcare Process, Black Lives Matter, burnout and professional fulfillment, Crossing the Quality Chasm, David Brooks, Dean Robert Ebert, diseases of despair, Don Berwick, Empathy, Featured Post, Francis Peabody and "The Care of the Patient", healthcare for the rural and urban poor, Inequality in Healthcare, Joe Biden and the Future, Polarization in America, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Six Domains of Quality, the plight of "red state" rural Americans, The Triple Aim
November 27, 2020 Dear Interested Readers, Where Do We Begin The Work? During this last week I have been listening to Barack Obama read his book, A Promise Land, on my afternoon walks. It has been an incredible experience. I am delighted that the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 13, 2020 | "Joy in Medicine?", Balint Groups, Burnout, burnout and professional fulfillment, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Robert Coles and the "Call of Service", Essential Workers, Eve Shapiro, Featured Post, Francis Peabody and "The Care of the Patient", Joe Biden, President Trump, professional fulfillment, The 2020 election
November 13, 2020 Dear Interested Readers, An Introduction To A Remarkable Book I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Two things that I have anticipated have happened simultaneously. First, the election is sort of behind us. If...