by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 8, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Healthcare as a Right, History of Healthcare Reform, Jill Lepore, Medicare For All, states' rights, the difficulties of change, The Triple Aim
8 November 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Why Medicare for All Is The Best Choice, But An Unlikely Outcome No Matter Who Wins I know that I am writing to sophisticated readers. Much of what follows may be boringly redundant or a statement of the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 13, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, ACA, Benefits of the ACA, Bernie Sanders, Population Health, Public Option, Robert Mueller's Testimony, Social Determinants of Health, The Triple Aim
13 September 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Looking For Answers While Hoping A Leader Might Emerge From A Raucous Conversation. I made the mistake of waiting until I had witnessed the third Democratic debate last night before writing this letter to you. I...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 20, 2019 | Bernie Sanders, Employer Provided Health Insurance, Featured Post, Healthcare Policy, Medicare Advantage, Medicare For All, Medicare For All Who Want It, Overton's Window, Presidential Politics
I admit to having groupie tendencies and team loyalties. The liability of being committed to a favorite entertainer, author, philosophy, religion, type of music, or team is that each is bound to have its problems, inconsistencies, or failures and then those...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Apr 26, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, ACA, Attack on The ACA Through the Courts, Benefits of the ACA, Bernie Sanders, Featured Post, Future of Heathcare, Joe Biden, Medicare For All
26 April 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Hello Joe, I Don’t Trust Mitch, And Other Post Op Thoughts There is nothing that gets you thinking about the future of healthcare in America and what needs to change, like a personal encounter with our healthcare...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Apr 23, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, Bernie Sanders, Featured Post, Fox News, Health in America, Medicare For All, Single payer
By far, the most positive, most interesting, and most surprising event of the nascent 2020 presidential campaign occurred on April 15.  Fox News’ Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum hosted a town meeting with Bernie Sanders.  The event was staged in Bethlehem,...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 5, 2019 | Bernie Sanders, Featured Post, Medicare For All
Bernie Sanders is back. At his announcement in Burlington and at a huge rally in Brooklyn last weekend, near the beginning of his speech, he said: We say to the private health insurance companies, whether you like it or not, the United States will join every...