by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Apr 2, 2019 | ACA, AHCA, Attack on The ACA Through the Courts, Mick Mulvaney, Presidential Politics, The Triple Aim
I am one of the nine to ten million Americans who watch the Sunday morning political programs where there is always a talking head from the administration trying to put a spin of coherence on the most recent gaff or nonsensical tweet of the president. A recent...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 27, 2017 | ACA, AHCA, Featured Post, Improving the health of the poor, Politics, the healthcare debate, the power of stories, The Senate's turn at healthcare reform, The Triple Aim
A couple of weeks ago when I gave you Dr. Patty Gabow’s letter to Senator Alexander I reported that I was reading Arlie Russell Hochschild’s recent book, Strangers In Their Own Land:  Anger and Mourning on the American Right. In that book Russell seeks to be...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 13, 2017 | ACA, AHCA, Featured Post, Quadruple Aim, the healthcare debate, The Senate's turn at healthcare reform, The Triple Aim
Hours before James Comey appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee, David Leonhardt issued a warning in an editorial in the New York Times entitled “Uh oh, Health Care Edition.” James Comey’s testimony today will reveal President Trump’s blatant...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 6, 2017 | ACA, AHCA, Featured Post, Healthcare Transformation, the healthcare debate, The Triple Aim
Dr. Patty Gabow shared a letter with me that she is sending to Senator Lamar Alexander, the chairman of the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. I think several of her points deserve extra emphasis and I have bolded them. Dear Senator Alexander,...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 30, 2017 | ACA, AHCA, Featured Post, Presidential Politics, Repeal and Replace, The Triple Aim
While walking I often listen to podcasts from Tom Ashbrook’s weekday morning shows on NPR. The first hour on most Friday mornings is usually the “week in review.” A recent Friday broadcast provided food for thought. Tom Gjelton, veteran NPR reporter was sitting in for...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | May 23, 2017 | ACA, AHCA, Costs, Delivery, Featured Post, Presidential Politics, Repeal and Replace
In August 2015 I gave a talk on the history of the evolution of health insurance that was part of a seminar entitled “Practicing in the Era of Healthcare Reform.”  I concluded my talk with a slide labeled “Persistent Problems.” I recently reviewed the presentation and...