by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 25, 2023 | A personal history, Burnout, Dr. George Thorn, Dr. James Dalen, Dr. Joe Alpert, Dr. Lewis Dexter, Dr. Merrill Sosman, Dr. Michael Lesch, Dr. Soma Weiss, Featured Post, Harvard Medical School, medical education, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Social Determinants of Health
August 25, 2023 Dear Interested Readers, The Continuing Story If you have not read this letter in the past few weeks, let me inform you that I have been on an autobiographical journey. The trip began as a reflection on moral injury in medical practice. I...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 18, 2023 | A story from my life, ACA, Dr. Claude Welch, Dr. Lyle Micheli, Fani Willis, Featured Post, Global Warming, Harvard Medical School, Maui Fires, medical education, Moral Injury, Nicholas Kristof, Social Determinants of Health, The sixth extinction, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, Trump's Georgia indictment, Trump's lies
August 18, 2023 Dear Interested Readers, A Continuing Story I am continuing “my story” this week although I am very tempted to discuss “issues.” It has been a week that should make us a little nervous as we begin to realize that we may have miscalculated...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 11, 2023 | A story from my life, COVID, Dr. Joel Alpert, Dr. John Enders, Family Practice, Featured Post, Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy, Polio and The Salk Vaccine, Post Polio Syndrome, Primary Care, Texas Medical Center, The Cutter Incident
August 11, 2023 Dear Interested Readers, Continuing Memories From Medical School Medical school was many things. It was a huge vocabulary lesson. It was an introduction to professional life. It was formative and transformative. When I look back...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Aug 4, 2023 | A story from my life, ACA, America's dependence on foreign medical graduates, Bernie Sanders, Dean Robert Ebert, doctor shortage, Featured Post, Healthcare in Rural America, Moral Injury, Nursing Shortages, patient centered care, Politics and Healthcare, Social Determinants of Health, Staffing issues in rural healthcare
August 4, 2023 Dear Interested Readers, The Story Continues If you have read my last two letters, you know that those letters were autobiographical. I have never resisted tossing events from my life into these notes if my personal story illustrated a...