by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 25, 2022 | A story from my life, Cardinal Cushing, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Dr. Joe Dorsey, Dr. Robert Ebert, Featured Post, Harvard Community Health Plan, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Healthcare equity, improving the delivery of care, Richard Rohr, Social Determinants of Health, The Second Mountain: The Quest For a Moral Life
November 25, 202 Dear Interested Readers, In Memoriam J.L.D. Oh yet we trust that somehow good will be the final goal of ill! Alfred Lord Tennyson worked for seventeen years to produce his very famous poem “In Memorium A.H.H.” which...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 18, 2022 | 2022 midterm elections, 2024 elections, Biden's American Families Plan, Build Back Better, Children in poverty, Donald Trump's future, Family Health Project, Featured Post, Joe Knowles, Lynn Community Health Center, Senator Joe Manchin, Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Social Determinants of Health, The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Trump's lies, Universal Basic Income
November 18, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, Family Health Project Update: Adding Evidence and Experience To The Wisdom of Universal Basic Income. Last week my wife and I were delighted to attend an event offered by the Family Health Project and its...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 11, 2022 | 2022 midterm elections, A red wave, A story from my life, Children in poverty, Critical Race Theory, Democracy on the Ballot, Donald Trump's Reluctance to accept the outcome of the election, Economic inequality, election denial, Equity, Featured Post, Global Warming, healthcare disparities, Illiberalism, Inequality, MAGA, Poverty and healthcare, Social Determinants of Health, The impact of a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, The threat to women's reproductive rights, Trump's lies, Universal Basic Income
November 11, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, It Was a Beautiful Day To Vote, and Hope and Democracy Survived. I usually love to vote. This year as election day approached, I was very apprehensive about what life would be like after the “red wave” washed...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Nov 4, 2022 | 2022 midterm elections, ACA, Crossing the Quality Chasm, Democratic control of the House, election denial, Featured Post, Global Warming, Health in America, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Illiberalism, Inequality, Inflation, Politics and Healthcare, Poverty, Social Determinants of Health, The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
November 4, 2022 Dear Interested Readers, The Election Next Tuesday Will Impact The Future of Our Democracy and Our Collective Health. No Matter the Outcome, What Will Follow Is Up To Us. Next Tuesday is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in...