by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 12, 2021 | 1.9 Trillion Dollar COVID Stimulus Bill, 9/11, Children in poverty, Donald Trump's management of COVID-19, Featured Post, Inequality, rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, significance of March 11, Social Determinants of Health, Social Distancing, The Triple Aim
March 12, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, Happy For A Little Relief While Still Looking For An End Of Misery After One Strange Year Most of us remember in vivid detail where we were on 9/11/2001 when we first heard of the planes crashing into the...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 9, 2021 | 1.9 Trillion Dollar COVID Stimulus Bill, Children in poverty, Economic inequality, Employer Provided Health Insurance, Featured Post, Harvard Community Health Plan, Hopes in the Future for a Bipartisan Healthcare Process, Inequality, Inequality in Healthcare, Kearsage Regional Ecumenical Ministries, Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners, Non Zero, Racial Inequality, Social Determinants of Health, The Canadian Experiment With UBI, The Stockton Experiment with UBI, The Triple Aim, Universal Access, Universal Basic Income
The two big news events over the weekend were the Senate’s passage of the 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus bill by a vote of 50-49 and Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Megan and Harry. There may be more similarity in the two events than immediately meets the eye....
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 5, 2021 | ACO, capitation, Economic inequality, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Harvard Community Health Plan, Harvard Vanguard Medical, Healthcare as a Right, Inequality in Healthcare, Lean, medical home, Primary Care, Primary Care Challenges, Social Determinants of Health, team based care, the difficulties of change, The Triple Aim, Universal Access, Value Based Reimbursement
March 5, 2021 Dear Interested Readers, More Thoughts About The Importance of Primary Care Now that Donald Trump is off Twitter and mostly out of sight except for occasional appearances at places like CPAC, I find that I have more time to think...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Mar 2, 2021 | Dr. Robert Ebert, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Financial challenges of primary care., Future of Heathcare, Health in America, Healthcare as a Right, Healthcare Transformation, Improving Ambulatory Practice, Inequality, New England Journal of Medicine, patient centered care, Population Health, Social Determinants of Health, The Commonwealth Fund Task Force on Payment and Delivery System Reform, The Triple Aim, Universal Access
The latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine was waiting for me in my mailbox yesterday when I dropped by the post office. I was delighted to see that it was the March 4th edition and I was happy to get it on time. The mail comes very irregularly...