by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 10, 2019 | "Medical Taylorism", burnout and professional fulfillment, Continuous Improvement, Critical thinking, Featured Post, Future of Heathcare, Healthcare Quality, Healthcare Transformation, Population Health, Process Improvement, Six Domains of Quality, The Triple Aim, Time as a commodity in healthcare
I recently read Dr. Jerome Groopman’s marvelous 2007 book, How Doctors Think. His book caused me to refocus on the importance of “time” as we consider the complexities of healthcare, and look for solutions that will promote our quest for the Triple Aim. The book came...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Sep 6, 2019 | Attacks on Roe v. Wade, Consequences of repealing Roe v. Wade, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Financial challenges of primary care., Future of Heathcare, New England Journal of Medicine, Population Health Management, professional responsibilities in conflict with personal beliefs, Six Domains of Quality, The Triple Aim
6 September 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Did You Like It? Do You Want To Try It? I was thrilled with Joe Knowles’ contribution to Tuesday’s post, “Guns In Homes: Time for a Safe Home Credit.” I hope that you have read it. If not, please do. Just click...
by Joe Knowles | Sep 3, 2019 | Guest Contributor, Gun Violence as a Public Health Problem, Guns In the Home, Joe Knowles, Polarization in America, Population Health
“Editor’s” introduction to this post. I am delighted that Joe Knowles has decided to let me share with you his innovative idea that could save many lives from gun violence. He first shared the idea with me last November at one of our occasional meetings for...