by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 28, 2019 | 2020 Presidential Debates, ACA, Competition, Costs, Economic inequality, Featured Post, Fee for service payment, Future of Heathcare, Healthcare as a Right, healthcare finance, MACRA, Medicare Advantage, Medicare For All, Medicare For All Who Want It, Public Option, The Triple Aim
28 June 2019 Dear Interested Readers, The Democrats, Healthcare, and More: It’s Complicated For the past two nights we have had our first look at the twenty highest polling contenders for the nomination of the Democratic Party for president....
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 25, 2019 | Era 3: the moral era, Featured Post, Future of Heathcare, Global Warming, Sister Joan Chittister, The Triple Aim
It was a tough weekend for me. As usual, The Friday “Healthcare Musings” was posted on the Internet at 3 PM on Friday afternoon, but as the minutes, then hours, then days passed without the notice of it existence going out to you I became increasingly distraught....
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 21, 2019 | Economic inequality, Era 3: the moral era, Featured Post, Healthcare Transformation, Inequality, Population Health, Poverty, Sister Joan Chittister, Social Determinants of Health, The Triple Aim
21 June 2019 Dear Interested Readers, Critical Choices and Uncommon Courage I have a new “hero,” guru, and role model. She is Sister Joan Chittister, an 83 year old Benedictine nun. Her latest book, The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage has...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 18, 2019 | Balint Groups, Burnout, David Brooks, Featured Post, Joy in Practice, Norman Rockwell's The Doctor and the Doll, professional fulfillment, The Triple Aim
My wife volunteers a half day a week at a thrift shop that is run by our local VNA. The aging crowd in our community donates great items for sale either before or after their demise. Some know that their children don’t value what they once thought were the earmarks of...
by Dr. Gene Lindsey | Jun 14, 2019 | "Wicked Problems" in Healthcare, burnout and professional fulfillment, Computers In Healthcare, Future of Heathcare, patient centered care, Sustainability
14 June 2019 Dear Interested Readers, It’s Not All About Us An interested reader contacted me this week for some advice about an inspirational speaker for her medical group. They are celebrating practice values as a part of an effort to fight burnout and...